Hearing Wales offers free servicing, adjustments and cleaning of any private hearing aid from any of the leading manufacturers, including Widex, Phonak, GN Resound, Siemens, Starkey, Unitron, Bernafon and Oticon hearing aids.
Hearing aids work so much better is they are regularly cleaned and serviced. We recommend that everyone has the hearing tested regularly and the aids adjusted to your current level of hearing loss. We are not completely altruistic in offering this service for free, even when you have bought your hearing aids from another company!! We believe that once you see the high level of service and aftercare that Hearing Wales provides, you will automatically choose to buy your next hearing aids from us (we hope so anyway!!).
Mrs Morgan from Port Talbot, has a pair of Widex hearing aids that are almost 10 years old. She had bought her hearing aids from another company that had gone out of business. Mrs Morgan says “I was so pleasantly surprised that Hearing Wales keeps offering me free service even thought I bought my hearing aids elsewhere”.
We are also able to offer free hearing aid repairs in many cases because we can often fix them in house. When we are unable to repair them ourselves, we can usually arrange to send them away and have them repaired for a fixed fee.
If you would like to arrange a free service, clean and check for your hearing aids, or a repair, please phone us on 01792 650894.